♚ Viné Versier
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"Illusiones are, 'ow you zay, impressive?
Zey're not scary; bien fait!"
• General
Full Name: Viné Versier Age: 16 Birthdate: June 29th (Cancer) Gender: Male Ethnicity: French (Aristonian) Eye Color: Purple Skin Color: Pale Hair Color: Violet black Height: 5'6" Build: Slender and a little lanky. Noticeable Features: Silver band earring and golden stud (left upper ear). |
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Social Class: Noble
Occupation: Art Student and Aspiring Artist.
Hobbies: Acting, arts and crafts, daydreaming, decorating, drawing, painting, poetry (macabre), viewing art, watching plays.
Likes: Abstract art, avant garde (experimental ideas), cages, clowns, dark humor, darkness, flowers, freedom, illusions, independence, individuality, moonlight, nature, night, outdoors, puppets, shadows, skulls and skeletons, social sciences, zoetropes.
Dislikes: Apologizing, being bossed around, scolded, talked down to or insulted (stands up for himself), brightness, crowds, expectations, fake or skeptic people, lies, limitations, loneliness, loudness, lying (hates lying, makes him cringe; but he is good at it), monotony, science, sunny days (sunburns, has sensitive eyes), tradition.
Keepsakes: Amethyst amulet, black key pendant, courier bag, silver pocketwatch.
Favorite Animals: Crows, moths, owls, rabbits, ravens.
Favorite Colors: Black, blue, cool colors, dark colors, grey, red, silver.
Favorite Foods: Grape juice, mint chocolates, most fruits and juices, pear compote, plum sorbet, tomatoes, tomato bisque.
Least Favorite Foods: Cabbage, carrots, heavy foods, lettuce, most breads, onions (hates them, they make him ill), pot au feu.
Favorite Gemstones: Amethyst, garnet, onyx.
Favorite Metals: Bronze, copper, silver.
Favorite Places: Abandoned places, castles, circuses, graveyards, ruins.
Least Favorite Places: Unknown.
Favorite Plants: Black roses, blue roses, most roses.
Favorite Scent: Fresh paint, grass, lavender, petrichor (moist air after the rain).
Favorite Season: Autumn and Winter.
Favorite Sounds: Baroque (classical chamber music), calliope (circus music), church organs, creaks, crickets and insect chirps, phonograph static, rain, running water, thunderstorms, wind.
Quirks: Acting (faking emotions sincerely), being absorbed (in his thoughts, work or whatever holds his interest), being a loner, bluffing, drawing in inspiration (like meditation), having poise, posing theatrically, prone to depression, morbid thoughts and self pity, speaking aloud to himself, singing, humming or whistling to himself, tapping his foot (with a hand on his hip, when impatient).
Personality: A bit of a show off, adaptable (willing to get dirty), ambitious, analytical, assertive, brave, candid, caustic, charming, clever, confident, creative, eccentric, impulsive, independent, intuitive, loyal, perservant (doesn't give up), restless, self-absorbed, teasing, whimsical.
A young nobleman who is haunted regularly due to spirits who claim to have died at the hands of his family, whom they seem vengeful toward. Vine' takes great interest in the parnaormal or magic, which allows the altering of one's sense of reality. Rather than being frightened of such phenomena, he is amazed and even gives recognition to his haunters for their "work". Ocasionally he is caught off guard and disturbed at first, but he thoughtfully takes time for introspective appreciation (even when he shouldn't). Most of the time he can be very frank, but emotionally tends to differ from the norm (possibly due to his adaptation to his family's treatment; as a child he was always told he was "different", so he came to act in that manner). For example, in most frightening situations he can react calmly or even intrigued with a general sense of dandyism that never seems to fade. Only occasionally does he allow himself to dwell on the negative; evenso after a tough time, he will comment on the wild ride it was, or how it taught or impressed him. He has a very adaptive personality and it is mostly thanks to harsh treatment growing up, which he used to empower a sense of self. His ideals and self image are all important to him, just as much as his work. If he can find someone who can see the same as he does, or appreciate who he is or his ideas, it is an instant connection for him; since most of his life he has been misunderstood. Although he is adaptive, he's never traveled outside of his home city before and has some trouble socializing normally with others (particularly, he is not good with romance).
In the past he was much more emotional, but since the hauntings, he's become stronger and passionate, as well as compassionate. So rather than his oversensitivity hurting him, it more often excites him to tears of joy or being touched, or amuses him into the analytical details of psychology and "why a person would do such a thing". Almost seemingly, though, he doesn't believe people intend to do wrong in general, for even they have their reasons if they outright target him with foul intent. He enjoys the understanding that comes with psychology and puzzles, taking more interest in cryptic details and symbolism than his family ever understood. Sometimes he goes a little far and seems flaky or "out there" with his assumptions and musings that things have a deeper meaning than they actually do (such as hearing a word or seeing a flower and instantly wanting to know of it's symbolism, that it might help him in relation to his current life challenges). Of course it is possible to anger him, too, despite his analytical nature; he is actually prone to anger but he doesn't display it as that. Rather than showing his anger with wrath, he continues with a facade of amusement tinged with cruel remarks and tricks to match that of the betrayer's (it probably isn't a good idea to get on his really bad side... as this can go on for awhile, his vengeful side is just as restless as he is).
As a child his family was harsh on him about his paranormal experiences and the fact he came out as sort of a "black sheep" of the family. They constantly judged him as unfit for fashionable society due to assumed mental problems (making him feel unworthy and haggard, as if he should be kept in a basement or something). Once they found that he wasn't "doing what they wanted" because he had an issue or was different, they simply laughed about it amongst themselves. So at first he lacked self-esteem but emerged later in life, with more self worth since he refused to believe them and instead believed in himself. For these reasons he is outspoken and also finds it hard to apologize to people, as he was apologizing constantly and keeping to himself, to stay out of trouble as a child. However, they would also never let their friends and distant family know about his problems, because it would shame them. So he often jokingly threatened to tell them about the ghosts, in order to get his family's compensation to keep him quiet. Eventually, this lead to his studying abroad, apart from the family. He simply "played his cards right", the irony of the sentence in that his great grandfather was a magician who specialized in card tricks (he commonly keeps a deck with him for that reason). Still, all of these past issues he suffered made for a stronger independence once he was on his own.
• Battle
Class: Illusionist.
Weapon: Cards (magical projectiles)
Fighting Style: Distracts and confuses enemies with illusions, while throwing cards (some with bladed edges, some which cause magic effects upon impact, ex. exploding). Often with rhythmic and theatrical movements, such as using fancy footwork or dance-like moves to avoid enemies or make a well-timed hit.
Magic: Dark (moon and shadow related)
• Relation
Family: Felicien Versier (Father), Rosetta Versier (Mother), Rocielle Charmante (Cousin), Amelie Charmante (Aunt),
Claudine Versier (Grandmother/Deceased), Antoni Versier (Grandfather), Valere Versier (Great Grandfather/Deceased),
Jean-Marie Versier (Great Grandmother/Deceased).
Friends: Demitel Rosenkranz (Friend), Lilith Aldridge (Friend).
Love Interests: Allison Rouselle (Girlfriend • Future Wife).
Children: Unknown.
Pets: Unknown.
Organizations: Desmares Art School (Student).