- Human
- Half-Humans
human and the other must be of another race.
Half-humans are varied by breed: Half-demons, angels, goblins, fairies
or any other monster or inhuman being you can think of.
Animen and merfolk would be considered half-humans for their human-like features;
but because they breed with their own kind, they weren't born from a human parent.
- Elves
They tend to have long hair in pale hues, fair skin and youthful complexions.
They're also talented in magic and most jobs of natural or spiritual natures.
Many bred with humans, as they traveled onto their land;
so half-elves and humans with similar traits have been born in their midst.
Though some of the elder elves are proud, most of them consider humans
their equal, minus the few name things that they excel in.
- Animan
There are related lores on their origin, but no true answer.
They each have a certain flaw, that, when shown, turns them into more of an animal.
Assuming they continue on with their flawed ways, they would end up as a full animal.
However, to counteract this: they can overcome or show the opposite of their flaw,
and will return to their animan state. They can do this even in their full animal state,
so it's not uncommon to see an animen evolve and de-evolve at any time they do this.
The race is most prominent in the Tresern region, though they do not overpopulate humans.
In fact they are rare, though not many have high class jobs or positions.
Most of them work for low wages or as assistants and specialize in certain jobs, given their animal abilities.
- Merfolk
Merfolk live underwater and most cannot breathe without water in their gils, though some can stand going
above water for certain periods of time. The time they are able to stay above water depends on how well they
train their lung capacity as well as how old they are. There are few living in Civil nation, but most require their
home be near a fresh water source that be can easily accessed daily. Such as in custom built aquariums.
There are also rumored to be aggressive merfolk living in the sewers and waterways nearest to the civilizations.
This is why the idea of them being mutants has risen. Though the more peaceful merfolk originate under the sea,
they do not associate with these "wild merfolk" who also seem to have more fish-like features.
They could also be related to the animen, or a similar fate, seeing as they appear more as wild animals,
than the humane merfolk of the seas.
- Demi-Gods
That which is called "magic blood", a mental stimulating substance which gives control over elements.