♚ Prince
Character Sheet • Palette • Poses & Expressions
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"'Ey lads! Oi men! Pull up ya trousahs, we'ah shovin' off - goin' home ta England!"
• General
Full Name: "Prince" Age: 13 Birthdate: September 28th (Libra) Gender: Male Ethnicity: English and Italian Eye Color: Olive green w/ brown specks Skin Color: Pale olive Hair Color: Dark chocolate brown Height: 4'6" Build: Scrawny and petite. Noticeable Features: Noticeable eyelashes, usually flushed/blushy. |
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Social Class: Noble.
Occupation: Unemployed School boy and pretend soldier.
Hobbies: Ballet dancing, collecting things, exploring or wandering around, fencing (tutored at home), finding new places to play (inside the walls, neighbor's yards or sheds), playing dress up, playing pretend (especially that he's a civil war soldier), playing pranks and tricks, running around, sailing (with his father or relatives), snacking, sneaking around and getting into things (especially where he's not supposed to), stealing, studying, wrestling or rough housing.
Likes: Aesthetics, animals, being coddled by women, bugs, dangerous things (but only sometimes, because it's exciting), eating, fancy clothes, fantasy, fun, history, making his father proud, marbles, monsters, music, parties, playing, presents (mostly receiving), puzzles and games, ships, soldiers (particularly the civil war), winning or "being the best" (has a prestigious attitude that he can do anything), weapons.
Dislikes: Being alone, boredom, being caught in a lie or bluff (he usually laughs and runs off), being picked on, being scolded, being stuck indoors, chores, cleaning, getting bullied or beaten up, expectations, his father, injuries, loneliness, losing, most rules and laws, scary things (except those he finds interesting or amusing).
Keepsakes: Pocketwatch, handmirror, reading glasses.
Favorite Animals: Birds, bunnies (favorite), dogs, cats, horses, ladybugs, sparrows.
Least Favorite Animals: Mice (give him the creeps, as they have gotten up his legs and into his trousers before).
Favorite Colors: Gold (favorite), lime green, pink, red, yellow.
Favorite Foods: Cakes, candy, chocolate, crab, hamburger (favorite), icecream (favorite dessert), most alcohols and teas, most meats, most seafood, most sweets, pastries, pies, rootbeer (favorite drink), sandwiches, sodapop, truffles.
Least Favorite Foods: Dark chocolate (doesn't care much for it), eggs, pineapples and most exotic fruits or "acquired tastes".
Favorite Gemstones: Ruby.
Favorite Metals: Gold.
Favorite Places: His bedroom, his father's room, the larder/kitchen.
Least Favorite Places: The study.
Favorite Plants: Red roses.
Favorite Scent: Chocolate, roses, sweets.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Sounds: The ocean, trains, waves.
Quirks: Easily amused and bored, easily anxious or nervous, breaking things for fun (vandalism), distractedly reading (even while walking; books, notes, papers, etc.), getting hit or beaten up (by his father and bullies), playfully bothering people, scaring or pranking people, (turning almost anything into a 'toy' and playing with it (ex. sticks, random things found outdoors, etc.), skipping, bobbing, dancing around or singing randomly.
Personality: A little rowdy, ambitious, amiable, childish, chipper, eccentric, excitable, girly, highly imaginative, hyperactive, lively, noisy, playful, rambunctious, show off, timid deep down, vain.
A spoiled little boy who likes to pretend he's a Prince and wants to grow up to be a soldier like his forefathers. Proud and narcissistic, his father raised him to be strong and not a 'sissy', to be bold and think he's the best and to never fear anything; despite this, deep down he is quite a coward, very feminine and childish. He's all too easily distracted, so rather than focusing on studious undertakings, he does so on things like contests, pageants, sports and hobbies. However, since he's always home alone after school, he has a tendency to be imaginative constantly and loves to play dress up and pretend. Often times he'll run off on his own and get up to mischief, such as hiding under tables, sneaking into places he shouldn't and pulling pranks on people.
• Battle
Class: Soldier.
Weapon: Boomerangs, guns (shotgun, rifle and pistol), slingshots, swords (rapiers and short swords).
Fighting Style: Mostly plays pretend and isn't actually useful in combat (though he can handle a gun, he's not the best shot; yet he's superbly confident in himself). He's actually very loud and distractingly fast, so he works to confuse and encumber the enemy, whilst assisting wounded allies. Also quite good at scouting, spying and sometimes stealing (although he prefers more to covet possessions of others, such as toys and food and would not act illegally; just irresponsibly without consideration for the possessions of others). However, due to his loud, eccentric nature, he isn't the best spy out of all. Loves to collect treasure and especially covets toys of any kind (especially those that look like dolls or animals, to keep him company), shiny things and fancy dress (hats, jewelry and clothing). Seems to have a kind of sixth sense when he isn't being silly and tends to catch onto when someone is good or bad, etc., seemingly he's very lucky. Claiming that he's not afraid of anything or that he can do anything, or that he knows everything is very common. He also loves to lead 'the boys' as he refers to his elder selves.
Magic: Aside from vague military 'expertise' he also uses light magic and healing (such as medic skills). Although he doesn't fully understand religion, he has a very kind spirit and is able to bring out the good in himself and others. Due to his innocence he has very raw potential in spiritual healing and purifying.
• Relation
Family: Matthew Farron (Father), Rose Farron (Mother, deceased), Lucetta Farron (Younger Sister)
Friends: Alanna d'Theil (?), Dreyden Farron (Future self/metaphoric eldest brother), "King" (Future self/metaphoric elder Brother), Marina L'Reue (?), Samantha Beaumont (?)
Love Interests: Most nursemaids.
Children: None.
Pets: Dusky (male, dog: Rottweiler/deceased: hit by a car), Muffin (female, sheep on his aunt's farm/deceased: died of old age)
Organizations: Unknown.