♚ King
Character Sheet • Palette • Poses & Expressions
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"Hi guys!"
• General
Full Name: "King" Age: 14 Birthdate: September 28th (Libra) Gender: Male Ethnicity: English and Italian Eye Color: Olive green w/ brown specks Skin Color: Light tan olive Hair Color: Dark chocolate brown Height: 5'5" Build: Overweight, with a round stomach and chubby limbs. Noticeable Features: Noticeable eyelashes, usually flushed/blushy. |
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Social Class: Noble.
Occupation: Unemployed Scholar, errand runner and part-time worker.
Hobbies: Chemistry, dining, fencing (tutored at home), gardening, lounging, napping or resting, playing the violin, mandolin, lute, harp and trumpet (most strings and brass), researching (mostly sciences), sewing, singing, socializing, studying, traveling (with his father, the Governor), working (mostly part-time jobs and errands), writing (letters, poetry, research notes, speeches and paperwork, etc.).
Likes: Aesthetics, eating, circuses, decadence, fairs and festivals, flowers, history, perfume, pleasure, poetry, presents (giving as well as receiving), romanticism, shows of affection or goodwill, sleeping, sweets.
Dislikes: Being disrupted (whilst reading, eating or sleeping), being lost, feeling tired, fighting (combat as well as personal issues), losing sentimental items, poverty, pressure, stress, working.
Keepsakes: Pocketwatch, handmirror, reading glasses.
Favorite Animals: Birds, cats, dogs, insects and "interesting" animals.
Least Favorite Animals: None in particular.
Favorite Colors: Black, brown, green, purple, red (favorite), rich colors, royal blue.
Favorite Foods: Beef, chocolate, coffee, crab, hamburgers (favorite), icecream, most alcohols and teas, most meats, most seafood, most sweets, pastries, pies, porkchops, red wine, shishkabobs, steak, truffles (favorite sweet).
Least Favorite Foods: Apples, eggs, pineapples and most exotic fruits or "acquired tastes".
Favorite Gemstones: Ruby.
Favorite Metals: Gold.
Favorite Places: His room, living rooms and dens, the waiting room.
Least Favorite Places: Council office, his father's office.
Favorite Plants: Red roses.
Favorite Scent: Fresh air, roses, wine (mostly red).
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Sounds: Carriages and coaches, hooves on cobblestone, the ocean, trains, waves.
Quirks: A tad clumsy, slow (whilst moving; not particularly because he is lazy, but he has trouble keeping up because he is overworked, tired or physically out of shape), getting tired or sleepy easily, getting overwhelmed easily.
Personality: A little cowardly, carefree, cheerful, dogmatic, friendly, generous, gentle, good-willed, helpful, innocent, kindly, naive, responsible (especially for his age), submissive.
He does not think of himself as a child since his father has given him so many responsibilities. Thus, he prefers to laze around and eat sweets or enjoy going out to lunch, because it tends to be the only free time he has off and he likes to pretend he's a little king. His eating habits also came from his father's insistence on him "being a man" and that men should be "big and strong" and not too lean (which he naively set out toward those ideals, not thinking of consequences).
Tends to things in an assisting, fatherly way, trying to take after his dad (who he looks up to kindly). He is good at a multitude of things thanks to all of his responsibilities, both around the house, in his studies and around town. His studies include astronomy and sciences (mostly chemistry), among others (mathematics and literature, to name a few). Has a soft spot for poetry and loves nature and music deeply. Likes to work as a peacemaker and dislikes tense environments. He is difficult to upset, so he loses his temper rarely; yet it is usually surprising if and when he does (more often than not it is out of embarrassed frustration or annoyance).
Since he is such a kind hearted boy, people tend to take advantage of him, as he is very naive as well (he assumes most people are as good natured as he is). Due to his noble upbringing, he is also very generous. Since he is happy and believes he has everything he needs, he does not worry about being harassed for money (he hands it over easily and gladly, to avoid upset).
• Battle
Class: Bard.
Weapon: Harp, Mandolin, Lute and Trumpet.
Fighting Style: Mostly supportive music playing. Prefers to work as a mediator rather than fighting and can be a little shy to sing in front of strangers or large crowds. However, he is very talented at playing while walking (so long as he does so at a leisurely pace) and due to his speed and age, it is probably best he stayed near the back to assist others. He lacks confidence he would prefer to carry and use items like a pack mule or sidekick, anyway. At his age he isn't highly interested in women as much as he is into romanticism either, thus his singing voice is just very sweet and loving; so he sings very soulfully, without the inclination to charm or show off.
Magic: His magic produces mostly supportive, curative and healing plant-themed and flowery effects with a bit of wind, nature or animal-related summons and soundwaves.
• Relation
Family: Matthew Farron (Father), Roselind Farron (Mother, deceased), Lucetta Farron (Younger Sister)
Friends: Alanna d'Theil (?), Marina L'Reue (?), Samantha Beaumont (?)
Love Interests: None.
Children: None.
Pets: Percy (Cat: Birman)
Organizations: Unknown.