♚ Edward & Katrina
• Relationship Description
Edward and Katrina's relationship can be described as "reversed gender roles". Edward is the more feminine and submissive male, while Katrina is the more masculine and dominant female. There is also a slight age difference (Edward is 17 and Katrina is 20), he also appears somewhat young for his age (baby faced, young-looking, shota-like), while Katrina is a full figured young adult woman. Edward, being a sickly, sheltered noble, who was given arranged marriages and responsibility he disliked, moreso enjoying artistic pursuits and romantic daydreaming; while Katrina was a hardworking middle class merchant, with a tough attitude toward men, but a motherly side and a secret love of romance (read their separate Profiles linked above, for more information). |
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• Storyline
Synopsis: Brief summary of the starting point settings. Edward admired Katrina from afar. Include how his life had been at the time and how she had come to live in Remoriah with her father. If any other events/characters are relevant, allow information regarding them. Include the part about how the mercs originally met both of them casually, on their trip to meet the Prince and Princess of Lecross who had gone to port to take a ship overseas. They had met Kat in shop who said she felt someone watching her in the orchard as of late, and Ed who had been spying on her, then who was fighting with a gang near the port over a girl named Katrina.
Exposition: Introduction. Later after intervening with the fight and helping Edward, the mercs come to the manor to speak with Ed privately. Edward proposed to help the mercenaries by asking his father for funds and a ship for them in exchange for some service related to helping him get with Katrina, get rid of the street urchins/hold them off so he could deliver the letter (which he later does).
Then, when the two first met. When Edward attempted to deliver the love letter and hid in, then fell out of the barrel in the orchard when Katrina was reading the letter, with her elbow leaning on it. How she was more amused than mad, they talked and began spending time together.
Rising Action: After Edward's father, the Duke of Remoriah, finds that his son is seeing a commoner (illegal by current laws), he prepares to punish him, sending his henchmen out to retrieve him. Edward is forced to admit he was keeping his identity a secret and Katrina is upset, not wanting to see him anymore, knowing he put both of them and their fathers in danger. Edward begs Katrina to change her mind, giving her a kiss in thanks for all she's done for him during their time together. The kiss causes a reaction in their mana bearings to cast a warm, loving light which emits across the city. Most people witness the kiss, looking to see what it was and Katrina is suddenly overwhelmed with feelings for him, just as the henchmen appear to take him away. Katrina gives chase in attempt to free him, but is stopped at the manor gates, in which she is forced to leave.
In the coming days Edward is held, locked in his room. He's told he is to meet with his arranged wife; a noblewoman named Franciska whom he'd met back on his 16th birthday, during a ball held in his honor, no doubt in order for his father to seek a wealthy wife for him. Edward becomes depressed and eventually opens up to Franciska, who seems to become more understanding after hearing what he's gone through. In the end, Franciska falls in love with Edward enough to allow him to be with Katrina and helps him sneak out to see her one night. (continue to the part where Bruce lies to Ed about Kat leaving him, "My Epitaph", where she returns and Ed is rescued by Kat from being homeless. follow up to the point where the mercenaries have shown up again, they find the birds he sent to her and they offer them to come along, in order to make money and be able to pay for Ed's medicines/care/luxuries as well as help Katrina learn more about commerce/trading/etc. over the world and find more rare goods to sell, etc.; mention before how ed promised them a ship/funds before for various help and getting out of jail when he was homeless; so he's indebted.)
Climax: The two talk on the pier suspiciously about joining them to take their loot without fighting. agreeing, they follow them. later ends up in the sewer scene with the monster "Trust issues". ending in them reuniting with the group, and helping/saving them in a way which shows off their unique abilities. Continue to the point where ed and kat are able to help and in return, the mercs help them to the point the guild can be formed and they are able to meet the AHS before that to sort of get the idea.
Falling Action: As the guild castle is being constructed, Edward begins falling ill. Aiji helps make a wheelchair for him. During this time Edward commissions the mercenaries to do some research for him on a supposed family curse. He and Katrina cannot travel with them, so they stay in the rooms which have been constructed so far, along with the workers and those who wish to stay at the guild. When the group returns, they hear that Edward's conditions have worsened and he's now bedridden. Fortunately they were successful and found out the whereabouts of a witch named Melodia, as well as the curse she supposedly casted on Edward's family, as well as having brought with them, the score of the Cursed Melody, a song said to lift the curse and send it to whomever hears it. Edward gratefully accepts the score and information, and the mercenaries stay to rest in the free rooms of the incomplete castle.
In the middle of the night, the group wakes up and joins Katrina to search for Edward who has gone missing from his room. They find him across a bridge near the construction site, with his violin case on his back. He tells them he's going to confront and play the score for the witch, traveling with the information of her whereabouts. Refusing to let the others accompany him, due to the danger of placing the curse on all else who hear it. Katrina and the mercenaries return to the castle for the night, as Edward continues on to the place where the witch was last seen. Though he is unwell, he had spent his time resting in order to fulfill this mission even if he believes it could be his last.
When he reaches the witch's dwellings, he scouts the area for her. When she is spotted, he begins playing the song while speaking to her, trying to distract her with questions and banter. Being ruined by his father's persecution and mad at his mother for claiming his father's affections first, she continued explaining why, in her head, "he would die too". Seeing no harm in telling him the story, by the time she was finished, he too had finished playing and the daemon (ancient demon) who had caused the curse on his family (as well as killed his mother), attacks and kills the witch. Rushing to the scene, Edward realizes the daemon is not appeased by the witch's death and is backed into a corner. Suddenly, due to the immense fear and need for power, Edward stands up to the demon and unlocks his true potential. In a flash of light, he appears as Uriel in full alter form, slaying the daemon with his words and light. Before Edward awakens, Uriel gives him his blessings and swears the curse has been lifted.
Catastrophe: In the alternate timeline, in the future something goes awry (this affects all main characters in Aeter Euum negatively).
Their future selves come back to the past (before it happened) and warn their present selves (just after unlocking their full potentials), about what will happen and seek a way to alter the future. Apparently in the future Aiji had built a time machine in order to do so. Their future selves are of age to be married and also seem to have children. They bring them to the future to show them the effects on their world, as well as introduce them to their distant futures.
Resolution: In the end their futures are saved, and their past and present selves return to the proper times. In the distant future they will be successful, some married and with children and all on good terms to deliver the new generations into the world...
• Battle
Most of the time Katrina is the heroine who protects Edward, with her axe and heat (fire+wind) magic, but at the least expected times Edward has also done more than play his violin and sing to boost morale; in fact he's used his light magic and magically imbued melodies to save them in some of the most dire situations. In general Katrina is the protective fighter and Edward is the supportive magic user.
Edward fights by playing music (in an unusually strong or magical way), such as playing loudly or sending "soundwaves" to harm enemies. His main weapon is a musical instrument from the string family, namely violins (also unusually popular with his ancestors).
He can also wield rapiers or small swords which require some skill in fencing (assumedly he took lessons back home, at the manor).
It's not improbable that he could also bash using his musical instrument, if needed.
Katrina usually wields an axe (anything from a one-handed small hatchet or wood chopping axe, to a large two-handed battle axe).
She can wield two smaller axes, or a shield with a smaller axe, as well as toss small tomahawks or throwing axes if range is needed.
It is also not unusual to see Katrina wielding most melee weapons that do not require much training, if need be (clubs, maces, swords).
Edward's battle skills with a musical instrument are called "songs". He uses them mostly to support his allies and boost their morale.
Songs can be sung using his singing voice as well as playing the music with his instrument, or a combination of the two.
The effects can last continuously, until he changes songs or performs another action.
His "fencing" skills with rapiers are not quite as strong, but accurate due to his dexterity.
Katrina's battle skills with an axe are called "axemanship". She uses the axe in various ways to cleave, cut and chop her enemies down. Katrina is also able to "throw" items (a merchant skill), which will hurt enemies regardless of their usual effect (ex. throwing an apple at an enemy will do damage, but not heal it). Other non-destructive skills include: taunting enemies or using her temper to adjust her strength, like berserk. She also dabbles in merchant-related skills such as: appraising, selling overpriced or buying with a discount.
Mana Bearings:
Along with their usual abilities, being "mana bearers", Edward and Katrina unlock their spells through the magic symbols on their bodies. Edward's being the symbol of light, Lumos, a yellow, winged treble clef, on the left side of his neck;
Katrina's being the symbol of heat, Dyna, a red, flaming heart, on the right side of her chest.
Due to possessing these marks since birth, they have been more magically adept (able to learn magic spontaneously before ever studying), in exception that they'll only learn spells of their "affinity" or major element (they cannot cast other elements without learning them manually, and will not have the same power unless properly trained).
Mana Bearing Reactions:
Mana bearer's symbols react to one another by glowing in it's appropriate color (usually when first meeting, or in close range to one another after being separated). The bearer may also feel strange energies from their bearing or sense another bearer's energy as well.
This is in fact, the reason Edward began admiring Katrina, as he sensed "she was different". A similar reaction is described when the two kiss, before Edward is dragged off by his father's men; in which, a warm, loving light radiated the area.
In addition, during emotional states of high degrees (overwhelming love, hate, fear, etc.), a mana bearer may spontaneously cast a spell, or even learn a new one (usually stronger than previously known). This often occurs in the early life, such as childhood and adolescence.
Edward's first occurred during childhood, when he was afraid and hiding out with his bestfriend Diana; while Katrina's occurred during adolescence, when her father's caravan was attacked by bandits on their trip to the city.
"Unlocking Potential":
It is also more likely a mana bearer will learn a new spell once they've "unlocked their potential", a phrase used to describe overcoming their negative traits, hence replacing them with positive ones (ex. becoming less greedy and learning to be generous). It applies to virtues and everyday lessons in life needed for character development. Said potential unlocking is described through major storyline events and the trait system, which applies to RPG style battles (penalties given to "locked" negative traits of a character, while the storyline unlocks them, giving them new positive traits).
Half Alter:
By the time a mana bearer has reached half of their true potential, they can access what is called "half alter" form.
In which they may appear differently, such as having wings, horns, halos, or the ability to use summons or familiars which they previously could not. The effect of any altering is temporal, however, and only lasts for a short period of time (one battle).
Edward's half alter is to obtain white angel wings on his back (their brightness and size depends on his current potential).
He can use them to hover, float or fly short distances, possibly reaching higher heights as well.
It also allows him to cast stronger light spells, mostly those using feathers and angelic themes.
Katrina's half alter is to be given an irremovable helmet and armor pieces, though not a complete suit.
She is able to call upon war horses, which she can ride into battle with, or use to escape, travel, etc.
It allows her to use Calvary techniques. Others can ride on it with her, or carry them to safety by her command.
Full Alter:
At the end, when they've unlocked their true potential, every mana bearer can assume the form of their full alterbeing (the demi-god that they were in their past life, whose powers were sealed within their magical bearings, they now work to unseal by mending their ways).
Edward's full alter is Uriel the Muse, who appears as an older version of himself with angelic qualities, a white and gold robe, longer hair and light purple eyes. As the demi-god of inspiration, the arts, spoken and written word, he unlocks the strongest light spells and of course the highest grade of eloquence, empowering his song skills and musical attacks.
Katrina's full alter is Domina the War Goddess, who appears as a tall warrior woman with extremely long hair, a visor-like helm over her eyes and a light, primitive style of armor. As the demi-god of war, courage, honor and sacrifice, she unlocks the strongest heat spells and the highest grade of melee proficiency, giving her skills and weapons profound strength.
Synopsis: Brief summary of the starting point settings. Edward admired Katrina from afar. Include how his life had been at the time and how she had come to live in Remoriah with her father. If any other events/characters are relevant, allow information regarding them. Include the part about how the mercs originally met both of them casually, on their trip to meet the Prince and Princess of Lecross who had gone to port to take a ship overseas. They had met Kat in shop who said she felt someone watching her in the orchard as of late, and Ed who had been spying on her, then who was fighting with a gang near the port over a girl named Katrina.
Exposition: Introduction. Later after intervening with the fight and helping Edward, the mercs come to the manor to speak with Ed privately. Edward proposed to help the mercenaries by asking his father for funds and a ship for them in exchange for some service related to helping him get with Katrina, get rid of the street urchins/hold them off so he could deliver the letter (which he later does).
Then, when the two first met. When Edward attempted to deliver the love letter and hid in, then fell out of the barrel in the orchard when Katrina was reading the letter, with her elbow leaning on it. How she was more amused than mad, they talked and began spending time together.
Rising Action: After Edward's father, the Duke of Remoriah, finds that his son is seeing a commoner (illegal by current laws), he prepares to punish him, sending his henchmen out to retrieve him. Edward is forced to admit he was keeping his identity a secret and Katrina is upset, not wanting to see him anymore, knowing he put both of them and their fathers in danger. Edward begs Katrina to change her mind, giving her a kiss in thanks for all she's done for him during their time together. The kiss causes a reaction in their mana bearings to cast a warm, loving light which emits across the city. Most people witness the kiss, looking to see what it was and Katrina is suddenly overwhelmed with feelings for him, just as the henchmen appear to take him away. Katrina gives chase in attempt to free him, but is stopped at the manor gates, in which she is forced to leave.
In the coming days Edward is held, locked in his room. He's told he is to meet with his arranged wife; a noblewoman named Franciska whom he'd met back on his 16th birthday, during a ball held in his honor, no doubt in order for his father to seek a wealthy wife for him. Edward becomes depressed and eventually opens up to Franciska, who seems to become more understanding after hearing what he's gone through. In the end, Franciska falls in love with Edward enough to allow him to be with Katrina and helps him sneak out to see her one night. (continue to the part where Bruce lies to Ed about Kat leaving him, "My Epitaph", where she returns and Ed is rescued by Kat from being homeless. follow up to the point where the mercenaries have shown up again, they find the birds he sent to her and they offer them to come along, in order to make money and be able to pay for Ed's medicines/care/luxuries as well as help Katrina learn more about commerce/trading/etc. over the world and find more rare goods to sell, etc.; mention before how ed promised them a ship/funds before for various help and getting out of jail when he was homeless; so he's indebted.)
Climax: The two talk on the pier suspiciously about joining them to take their loot without fighting. agreeing, they follow them. later ends up in the sewer scene with the monster "Trust issues". ending in them reuniting with the group, and helping/saving them in a way which shows off their unique abilities. Continue to the point where ed and kat are able to help and in return, the mercs help them to the point the guild can be formed and they are able to meet the AHS before that to sort of get the idea.
Falling Action: As the guild castle is being constructed, Edward begins falling ill. Aiji helps make a wheelchair for him. During this time Edward commissions the mercenaries to do some research for him on a supposed family curse. He and Katrina cannot travel with them, so they stay in the rooms which have been constructed so far, along with the workers and those who wish to stay at the guild. When the group returns, they hear that Edward's conditions have worsened and he's now bedridden. Fortunately they were successful and found out the whereabouts of a witch named Melodia, as well as the curse she supposedly casted on Edward's family, as well as having brought with them, the score of the Cursed Melody, a song said to lift the curse and send it to whomever hears it. Edward gratefully accepts the score and information, and the mercenaries stay to rest in the free rooms of the incomplete castle.
In the middle of the night, the group wakes up and joins Katrina to search for Edward who has gone missing from his room. They find him across a bridge near the construction site, with his violin case on his back. He tells them he's going to confront and play the score for the witch, traveling with the information of her whereabouts. Refusing to let the others accompany him, due to the danger of placing the curse on all else who hear it. Katrina and the mercenaries return to the castle for the night, as Edward continues on to the place where the witch was last seen. Though he is unwell, he had spent his time resting in order to fulfill this mission even if he believes it could be his last.
When he reaches the witch's dwellings, he scouts the area for her. When she is spotted, he begins playing the song while speaking to her, trying to distract her with questions and banter. Being ruined by his father's persecution and mad at his mother for claiming his father's affections first, she continued explaining why, in her head, "he would die too". Seeing no harm in telling him the story, by the time she was finished, he too had finished playing and the daemon (ancient demon) who had caused the curse on his family (as well as killed his mother), attacks and kills the witch. Rushing to the scene, Edward realizes the daemon is not appeased by the witch's death and is backed into a corner. Suddenly, due to the immense fear and need for power, Edward stands up to the demon and unlocks his true potential. In a flash of light, he appears as Uriel in full alter form, slaying the daemon with his words and light. Before Edward awakens, Uriel gives him his blessings and swears the curse has been lifted.
Catastrophe: In the alternate timeline, in the future something goes awry (this affects all main characters in Aeter Euum negatively).
Their future selves come back to the past (before it happened) and warn their present selves (just after unlocking their full potentials), about what will happen and seek a way to alter the future. Apparently in the future Aiji had built a time machine in order to do so. Their future selves are of age to be married and also seem to have children. They bring them to the future to show them the effects on their world, as well as introduce them to their distant futures.
Resolution: In the end their futures are saved, and their past and present selves return to the proper times. In the distant future they will be successful, some married and with children and all on good terms to deliver the new generations into the world...
• Battle
Most of the time Katrina is the heroine who protects Edward, with her axe and heat (fire+wind) magic, but at the least expected times Edward has also done more than play his violin and sing to boost morale; in fact he's used his light magic and magically imbued melodies to save them in some of the most dire situations. In general Katrina is the protective fighter and Edward is the supportive magic user.
Edward fights by playing music (in an unusually strong or magical way), such as playing loudly or sending "soundwaves" to harm enemies. His main weapon is a musical instrument from the string family, namely violins (also unusually popular with his ancestors).
He can also wield rapiers or small swords which require some skill in fencing (assumedly he took lessons back home, at the manor).
It's not improbable that he could also bash using his musical instrument, if needed.
Katrina usually wields an axe (anything from a one-handed small hatchet or wood chopping axe, to a large two-handed battle axe).
She can wield two smaller axes, or a shield with a smaller axe, as well as toss small tomahawks or throwing axes if range is needed.
It is also not unusual to see Katrina wielding most melee weapons that do not require much training, if need be (clubs, maces, swords).
Edward's battle skills with a musical instrument are called "songs". He uses them mostly to support his allies and boost their morale.
Songs can be sung using his singing voice as well as playing the music with his instrument, or a combination of the two.
The effects can last continuously, until he changes songs or performs another action.
His "fencing" skills with rapiers are not quite as strong, but accurate due to his dexterity.
Katrina's battle skills with an axe are called "axemanship". She uses the axe in various ways to cleave, cut and chop her enemies down. Katrina is also able to "throw" items (a merchant skill), which will hurt enemies regardless of their usual effect (ex. throwing an apple at an enemy will do damage, but not heal it). Other non-destructive skills include: taunting enemies or using her temper to adjust her strength, like berserk. She also dabbles in merchant-related skills such as: appraising, selling overpriced or buying with a discount.
Mana Bearings:
Along with their usual abilities, being "mana bearers", Edward and Katrina unlock their spells through the magic symbols on their bodies. Edward's being the symbol of light, Lumos, a yellow, winged treble clef, on the left side of his neck;
Katrina's being the symbol of heat, Dyna, a red, flaming heart, on the right side of her chest.
Due to possessing these marks since birth, they have been more magically adept (able to learn magic spontaneously before ever studying), in exception that they'll only learn spells of their "affinity" or major element (they cannot cast other elements without learning them manually, and will not have the same power unless properly trained).
Mana Bearing Reactions:
Mana bearer's symbols react to one another by glowing in it's appropriate color (usually when first meeting, or in close range to one another after being separated). The bearer may also feel strange energies from their bearing or sense another bearer's energy as well.
This is in fact, the reason Edward began admiring Katrina, as he sensed "she was different". A similar reaction is described when the two kiss, before Edward is dragged off by his father's men; in which, a warm, loving light radiated the area.
In addition, during emotional states of high degrees (overwhelming love, hate, fear, etc.), a mana bearer may spontaneously cast a spell, or even learn a new one (usually stronger than previously known). This often occurs in the early life, such as childhood and adolescence.
Edward's first occurred during childhood, when he was afraid and hiding out with his bestfriend Diana; while Katrina's occurred during adolescence, when her father's caravan was attacked by bandits on their trip to the city.
"Unlocking Potential":
It is also more likely a mana bearer will learn a new spell once they've "unlocked their potential", a phrase used to describe overcoming their negative traits, hence replacing them with positive ones (ex. becoming less greedy and learning to be generous). It applies to virtues and everyday lessons in life needed for character development. Said potential unlocking is described through major storyline events and the trait system, which applies to RPG style battles (penalties given to "locked" negative traits of a character, while the storyline unlocks them, giving them new positive traits).
Half Alter:
By the time a mana bearer has reached half of their true potential, they can access what is called "half alter" form.
In which they may appear differently, such as having wings, horns, halos, or the ability to use summons or familiars which they previously could not. The effect of any altering is temporal, however, and only lasts for a short period of time (one battle).
Edward's half alter is to obtain white angel wings on his back (their brightness and size depends on his current potential).
He can use them to hover, float or fly short distances, possibly reaching higher heights as well.
It also allows him to cast stronger light spells, mostly those using feathers and angelic themes.
Katrina's half alter is to be given an irremovable helmet and armor pieces, though not a complete suit.
She is able to call upon war horses, which she can ride into battle with, or use to escape, travel, etc.
It allows her to use Calvary techniques. Others can ride on it with her, or carry them to safety by her command.
Full Alter:
At the end, when they've unlocked their true potential, every mana bearer can assume the form of their full alterbeing (the demi-god that they were in their past life, whose powers were sealed within their magical bearings, they now work to unseal by mending their ways).
Edward's full alter is Uriel the Muse, who appears as an older version of himself with angelic qualities, a white and gold robe, longer hair and light purple eyes. As the demi-god of inspiration, the arts, spoken and written word, he unlocks the strongest light spells and of course the highest grade of eloquence, empowering his song skills and musical attacks.
Katrina's full alter is Domina the War Goddess, who appears as a tall warrior woman with extremely long hair, a visor-like helm over her eyes and a light, primitive style of armor. As the demi-god of war, courage, honor and sacrifice, she unlocks the strongest heat spells and the highest grade of melee proficiency, giving her skills and weapons profound strength.